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SANTIAGO'S ROAD  Plan of cultural revaluation of its inciatic essence

Plan de revalorización cultural de su esencia como rito de paso




Objective : Preserve the essence of the Camino de Santiago as a rite of passage and initiation adventure after having become an excessively touristy good in which tourism deteriorates the best attributes that consolidate it as a World Heritage Site.


How : Through the 16 cultural proposals of the plan:

  • Artistic productions:


  • 1. Documentary on the Oral Traditions of the Camino (2020 -2021)

  • 2. Publication on the Oral Traditions of the Camino (2020 -2021)

  • 3. Documentary on Veterans and Rural Hospitality on the Camino (202 1 -2022)

  • 4. Publication on Veterans and Rural Hospitality on the Camino (2021 -2022)

  • 5. Monographic Documentary on Jesús Jato (2021 -22)

  • 6. Monographic Publication on Jesús Jato (2021 -22)

  • 7. Artistic guide to the Camino as a rite of passage (2022)

  • 8. Modeling of sculptures to replace lost heritage on the Camino



  • Proposals for sociocultural action and intervention:

  • 9. I, II, III Cultural Days on the Way (2019/2020/2021)

  • 10. VII, VIII, IX International Meeting of Visual Artists (19/20/21)

  • 11. Construction of an Art Workshop in the Ave Fénix shelter (2018)

  • 12. Creation of an Artists Residence at the Ave Fénix hostel (2021)

  • 13. Creation of a Congress Space in Ave Fénix (2019)

  • 14. Sculpture Workshops based on the cleaning of illegal landfills on the Camino

  • 15. Sustainable Gastronomy Programs run by Seniors

  • 16. Creation of a brand of ecological products of the Ave Fénix hostel

In collaboration with the Ave Fénix Peregrines Hostel (Villafranca del Bierzo), Art Space / Open Space, Codocóncodo Creative Coworking, Audiovisual Folklore, Berkori Producciones, Menendex Films.

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VENICE   Can a community keep its own city afloat?

¿Puede una comunidad mantener a flote su propia ciudad?

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Art on board the Venetian artisan Maya sailboat , closely linked to the history of the city and recovered with the help of the neighbors to transform it into a pirate pavilion and access the Biennial as a Trojan horse on which to make visible the contemporary phenomena that affect.

May 2017- "Vitácora de Maya": 

Artistic assault on the Canal de la Bienal during the inauguration of the 57th Art Biennial

Collective performance on board with reflections of different people close to the city + Video projections at La Vela de Maya and the Arsenale in Venice +  Subsequent discussion + Presentation  Vitácora de Maya artistic book.

May 2016- "Mentre tu pensi solo a volarre": 

Exhibition at the Andrea Tardini Gallery in Venice during the 15th Architecture Biennale

Drawings, texts and videos about the Maya and its relationship with the social, environmental and aesthetic phenomena that affect the Venetians + live deconstruction performance of an artisanal boat + The guests arrive aboard Maya to the show.

VILLA DE FUENTIDUEÑA  Reflecting the memory of a Romanesque treasure exiled to the USA

Reflotando la memoria de un tesoro románico exiliado a EEUU

Creación de una plataforma cultural para visibilizar el desgarro del ábside de la iglesia románica de San Martín por parte de Estados Unidos en 1957 (actualmente en el Museo Metropolitan de Nueva York). Revisión estética / social / ambiental del pueblo (desarrollado en una futura publicación), entrevistando a sus vecinos para la recuperación de la memoria cultural y el desarrollo de propuestas colectivas.

Villa de fuentidueña


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